Suddenly feel KP very sien..bored..lonely..
maybe everyday also did same things so feel it boring..
haiz..this week was happen something..
last day i went to find kai ma..
she tell me many things...all about my sis d..
i really sad n hate myself..
y in the first i wan bring my sis come in 'Online World'..??
y wan taught her play MSN?SDO Game??
i aldy had a example..a bad example!!
at primary sch still ok d..wht also dun know..dun know wht on9 thing..
after go secondary result bad like shit!!
1 year bad than other year...
my pmr result just get come like this??
i really made many ppl dissapoited..include my parents n teacher..
after that i still dun wan study
see..SPM our le..also just get 1A..
this time my parents aldy no hope me can get many A out..
they know i can get 1A aldy very gd..
but i know..i can done more gd d..but...haiz..
Now my sis repeat my attitude again...
i back from els,i never saw her get out 1 book to study or do revision..
monday-thursday just waiting the time TV..slp..
friday-sunday she can touch computer that 3 days!!
听清楚!!3 days just play computer games..never study or wht...
i really dun know wht she want now..
first exam she aldy get LAST in class!!
but she still dun know think!!
give ppl say also dun know反省下
if u dun like ppl say u..then start study hard la..still waiting wht?waiting GOD give u answer in mid year exam??
u told me u wan be a Engineering!!this r u told me one..but u hav do it??
i most hate hear r u say u dun wan study anymore..
wht the hell u dun wan study?
u dun wan study u wan to do wht?
help father sell shoes?impossible..i know u more than mum..i dun know u dislike do wht??
i really hope u can continue study with hard..dun like me this brother..be4 is fei cai..but future i dun know i am a how d brother lo..
i know u can study,u,n little sis..ur result r the most gd than we 2..
i really hope u know...
mid year exam still hav 1 month..i dun wan talk many or wht la..
wan do or not just depends to u..
if i see the attitude still not change..then u dun blame me..
i will delete all d games..
i will cut d internet..
maybe i will destroy the computer too..
who see le this pls dun say out..tq!!如果她要懂,总有一天她会看到的..】
erm..maybe this month u really too busy we 2 less to chat le..
anyway..u busy ur thing first lo..
i at kp now..maybe still hav some time can wait u gua...
after that,i really dun know wan how le..
May...i am waiting my father bring me go to work..
i really hope i can do some things that can let me forget all d feel...
June..i am waiting go in college study too..
Byez lo...i wan starting my new study life at other place le..hope i can handle it well..^^