Now aldy is 05:21am midnite..
but i still cant fall asleep..
why?is it anything happen in my mind again?
no one know..
Im back here again..
oh,aldy 2 months no come write or post anything le..
yup,my life is starting busy now
but i cant arrange a gd time table for myself..
everytimes i also did the work with last minutes..
now,i just done my assignment report..
it should be done last week..but lucky my leader kind..treat me gd..haha
Be4 busy is cau CLS event,YX camp!!
yeah! it was complete early a month aldy,but im sharing now..
is it too late?haha
erm..first time doing YX camp,n it was damn rush all d work..
i hate but i love too..cau it bring me learn a lot of things..and new friends..
be4 everytime meeting,i very unhpy..cau i dont know them.they dun know me too..
i hate d feel when alone coming find me..
Zhi Rong,he is my new fren n senior too..IB leader!><
he come from Kluang,my cousin hometown..
then accidently we know each other..haha
we hav a lot of story from beginning we know each other until the camp ending..
of course now we still r good fren..><
U r the first fren bring me go watch football!!!haha..be4 i hate but now i enjoy it le!
dun know y talk with u,i just look like nth to scare..just bla bla bla..even my own story..
Thx god,to let me know a new fren like u!hpy to know u!
Pang zhi wei,he is my new fren also..he siao d la..but quite funny too..haha.. stay with ur 2,i sure hpy,never hav stress infront ur all..pround to know u too..><
actually this time camp,i really know a lot new fren..
erica,first time we did event was the last year,but now she is my leader aldy..we work together again..
n she gang too..yen feng,wen khai,k jian,winnie
if i really wan to write out all d new fren name,i think i cant write finish it by tonite..haha
QQim very hpy to know she!Really!
dun know y..she can give me the feel that i never hav it..
maybe i had it be4,just not stay longer..but she can!
very funny one,i very beh song she when first time meeting..dun know y..( she beh song me too)
but after second times workshop,i started to accept she le..
dun ask me why..cau not everything also can hav WHY d..
she quite funny d..cau always say '冷笑话' infront me or frens..
even though it was no funny,but i also will smile..
she said she came from KL..omg...unbelievable..
maybe she is the 'special' one ba..haha
maybe something will happen soon..>.<
Event finished lo..then busy my exam n my BUSINESS!
exam,i do really hav study hard for i think it was ok pass..><
but cant! my new target for my study is FIRST CLASS!
i hav to study harder..i no more play this time!~.~
About my new business..
actually its not call business la,we call it 'Direct Sales'
Hard to share at here,hav time we just chat it ba..><
be4 i would think a lot negative about to do this business..
am i wrg to join this company?
am i correct?
am i free to do it?
can i handle it?
But now..this all question aldy go away!
i wont think it anymore..
i believe it,i can,u can,we can,we all can!
n thx to some kp friends too..
thanks them give me some support n time to come hear wht i am doing d business now..
even though this just a sharing section,but i wish ur all enjoy too..
hav chance or no chance we do it together is depends on u..
i am aldy sharing it all time dun say me no share to kp own friends ya..XP
can do o cant do is see how many harder work the guy to spread it,to do it!
so good luck for me,n those who r really wanna earn money d..
we study hard,work hard,n play hard together ba!Jia You!!><
n i had view 'YOU' profile..
look like u aldy accept it n enjoy ur new sch life..
its a gd news to see u like this..
anyway,take care urself at there n enjoy it ba..
cau only study can let u feel no stress..><